
The Viewer can be used to display Basemaps with a single Marker, or many Overlays (Markers, Lines and Shapes). Each Overlay can be given a Title, Description and Image URL, which are displayed in a Popup when the Overlay is clicked.

Features include:

  • Image Gallery – Thumbnails for Markers currently in view on the Map are displayed and can be clicked open the Marker popup.
  • Overlay Filter – Pick which Overlays are currently visible by Type.
  • Marker Clustering – Markers that are close together are stacked, to declutter the Map.
  • Elevation Profile – An interactive elevation profile for Lines that have elevation data.


To create a Viewer Instance, use the viewer method of the Waymark_Map_Factory:

// Create a Viewer Instanceconst viewer = window.Waymark_Map_Factory.viewer();

Options are passed to the Instance init method to configure the Viewer.


These options, provided in the viewer_options object, are used to customise the Viewer Mode.

show_gallery1/0Whether to display an image gallery for Markers that have images. Thumbnails for Markers currently in view on the Map are displayed and clicking on a thumbnail will centre the Map on the Marker and open the popup.1
show_filter1/0Allow the user to filter which Overlays are currently visible on Map.1
show_cluster1/0Whether to cluster (stack) Markers that are close together, to declutter the Map.1
cluster_radiusnumberThe maximum radius that a cluster will cover from the central Marker (in pixels). Decreasing will make more, smaller clusters. Default 80.80
cluster_threshold0-18Markers will not be clustered above this zoom level.14
show_elevation1/0Whether to display an interactive elevation profile graph below the Map for Lines that have elevation data.1
elevation_div_idstringThe ID of the HTML element to contain the elevation profile graph. The default is waymark-elevation and if this element does not exist, it will be created inside the Map Container.waymark-elevation
elevation_unitsmetric/imperialDisplay elevation data in metric (m/km) or imperial (ft/mi) units.metric
elevation_colourCSS ColourThe colour of the elevation graph and associated Line, provided as a CSS colour (e.g. white, #ffba00, rgb(255, 186, 0)).#b42714
elevation_initial1/0Whether to show the elevation profile initially when the Map loads, or wait for a Line to be clicked.0
sleep_delay_secondsnumberHow many seconds before scroll zoom is enabled. 0 seconds will mean no delay (disabling this feature). A large number of seconds like 3600 (an hour) will essentially disable hover to wake, meaning the user will need to click to wake.3600
sleep_do_message1/0Whether to display a message while scroll zoom is disabled.1
sleep_wake_messagestringThe message to display while scroll zoom is disabled.Click to Wake

Example Config

This configuration enables all available Viewer features:

const config = {
  viewer_options: {
    show_gallery: true,
    show_filter: true,
    show_cluster: true,
    show_elevation: true,


Once the configuration is set, the init method is called to initialise the Map:

// Initialise with our options

The Map is now displayed on the page according to the provided options.

Loading Data

Waymark JS supports loading data from GeoJSON, GPX and KML files.


After the Map is initialised, data can be loaded using the load_json method, which accepts a GeoJSON object as an argument.

  type: "FeatureCollection",
  features: [
      geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [-85.038, 49.4595] },
      type: "Feature",
      properties: { type: "food" },

To load a GeoJSON file using Fetch API, the load_json method is called within the fetch promise to ensure the data is available:

// Load GeoJSONfetch("../examples/assets/geo/route.geojson")
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((geojson) => {


To load data from a GPX or KML file, the file is fetched and parsed as XML, then converted to GeoJSON using the included toGeoJSON library using the gpx or kml methods. The resulting GeoJSON is then added to the Map.

See this example in action here.

// Load GPXfetch("../examples/assets/geo/route.gpx")
  .then((response) => response.text())
  // As Text
  .then((gpx) => {
    // Parse GPX
    const parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString(gpx, "text/xml");

    // Convert to GeoJSON
    const geojson = toGeoJSON.gpx(parsed) || {};

    // Ensure is valid FeatureCollection
    if (geojson.type !== "FeatureCollection") {

    // Add to Map

// Load KMLfetch("../assets/geo/route.kml")
  .then((response) => response.text())
  // As Text
  .then((kml) => {
    // Parse KML
    const parsed = new DOMParser().parseFromString(kml, "text/xml");

    // Convert to GeoJSON
    const geojson = toGeoJSON.kml(parsed) || {};

    // Ensure is valid FeatureCollection
    if (geojson.type !== "FeatureCollection") {

    // Add to Map

!NOTE The object is expected to be a FeatureCollection with an array of Features, even if only one Feature is being added.


Marker With Custom Icon

Here we are creating a new Viewer Instance, setting some options, and adding a Marker to the Map.

<!doctype html><html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <!-- Stylesheet -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/css/waymark-js.css" />

    <!-- JS -->
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="dist/js/waymark-js.js"></script>
    <div id="waymark-map"></div>

      // Create viewer Instance
      const viewer = window.Waymark_Map_Factory.viewer();

      // Initialise with our options
        map_options: {
          // Initial Map Zoom
          map_init_zoom: 14,

          // Our Pub Icon
          marker_types: [
              marker_title: "Pub",
              marker_icon: "ion-beer",
              marker_colour: "brown",

      // Load GeoJSON
        type: "FeatureCollection",
        features: [
            type: "Feature",
            properties: {
              type: "pub",
              title: "The Scarlet Ibis",
                "Great pub, great food! Especially after a Long Ride 🚴🍔🍟🍺🍺💤",
              image_large_url: "https://www.waymark.dev/assets/geo/pub.jpeg",
            geometry: {
              type: "Point",
              coordinates: [-128.0094, 50.6539],

Multiple Overlays From File

Here we are creating a new Viewer Instance initialised with some Types and loading GeoJSON data from a file.

<!doctype html><html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />

    <!-- Stylesheet -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/css/waymark-js.css" />

    <!-- JS -->
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="dist/js/waymark-js.js"></script>
    <div id="waymark-map"></div>

      // Create Viewer Instance
      const viewer = window.Waymark_Map_Factory.viewer();

      // Initialise with our options
        // Viewer Specific Options
        viewer_options: {
          show_gallery: "1",
          show_filter: "1",
          show_cluster: "1",
          show_elevation: "1",
          elevation_units: "imperial",
          elevation_colour: "#70af00",
          elevation_initial: "1",
          sleep_do_message: "1",

        // General Map Options
        map_options: {
          debug_mode: true,

          // Line Types
          line_types: [
              line_title: "Route",
              line_colour: "green",

          // Marker Types
          marker_types: [
              marker_title: "Photo",
              icon_type: "icon",
              marker_icon: "ion-camera",
              marker_colour: "#70af00",
              icon_colour: "#ffffff",
              marker_title: "Information",
              icon_type: "icon",
              marker_icon: "ion-information-circled",
              marker_colour: "#fbfbfb",
              icon_colour: "#0069a5",
              marker_title: "Alert",
              icon_type: "icon",
              marker_icon: "ion-android-alert",
              marker_colour: "#da3d20",
              icon_colour: "white",
              marker_title: "Food",
              icon_type: "icon",
              marker_icon: "ion-pizza",
              marker_colour: "#da3d20",
              icon_colour: "#ffba00",
              marker_title: "Beer",
              icon_type: "icon",
              marker_icon: "ion-beer",
              marker_colour: "#fbfbfb",
              icon_colour: "#754423",
              marker_title: "Camp",
              icon_type: "icon",
              marker_icon: "ion-android-home",
              marker_colour: "#a43233",
              icon_colour: "#ffffff",

      // Load GeoJSON asynchronously from file
      const geojson = fetch("./assets/geo/route.geojson")
        .then((response) => response.json())
        .then((data) => {